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It's getting fishy in here. We're making Fanciful Gourd Fish!


With this fully illustrated 10 page tutorial, packed with images and step-by-step text, you will be able to make your own Fanciful Gourd Fish. It will take you through gourd prep, to sculpting, use of craft plastic for the fins, through to finished sculpture. The techniques and methods in this tutorial can be applied to other mediums too - not just gourds! No previous sculpting experience is necessary! Read the required materials you need to create this project.


NOTE: This is a digital tutorial, be sure to download it after purchase! A hardcopy is available for purchase as well. The tutorial is printer compatible - only the cover page is in color to save on ink.

Materials required for project:
- An egg gourd (or similar shaped armature)
- Pencil
- A dremel with cut-off wheel
- Drill
- Epoxy clay
- Recycled plastic or craft plastic
- Scissors
- Optional heat gun and tinfoil
- Superglue or white glue
- Wood or other object for a sculpture base
- 1/4" dowel rod
- Paint and brushes

Enjoy and have fun!


Have questions? Email me at


This tutorial is for personal use and learning only. Do not print for resale, teach, share, or commercialize this product without express written permission from, or payment of rights to, Cara Bevan. Actions that don't follow this copyright guideline are a breach of copyright law.

Miniature Gourd Fish Sculpting Tutorial


    All artwork and information (c) to Cara Bevan and Cara Bevan Fine Art, 2007 to 2024

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